Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Doctor Day

I sat in the corner of the patients room and could see a piece of paper on the table which I assumed were my lab results. I patiently waited for the Doctor's grand entrance with the incredible news about how great my health is, after all I cut meat out of my diet 6 months ago so of course my health is going to be better than average. I then waited maybe a minute more and had to jump up to start reviewing my results. The first page looked great as everything was well in the normal range. With a confident grin I flipped to the second page and was shocked to see my Cholesterol was through the roof and significantly out of range. As I tried to make since of what I was reading the doctor entered the room.

Dr Kromolicki fliped through the chart with a moan or two as if to fully digest what it was he was reviewing. "For your age" he began, "this does not look good." With a confused look he continued, "I thought you stopped eating meat, are you sure you aren't eating chicken? Chicken is actually higher in Cholesterol than red meat and..." I interrupted with "Jeff, I have only had meat twice since January. It's probably all the cheese I eat. I have recently noticed I have replaced the meats in my diet with cheese." He agreed heavily with my conclusion.

It reminded of me of why I am taking this on in the first place. With all the research I've done that has led me down this path I have learned that it is the animal protein in our diets that contributes to, if not, causes Heart Disease and Cancers. So in other words, it is great that I am a vegetarian for the animals I'm not eating and the fact that I am not contributing, as much, to the largest pollutant in the world, the livestock industry, but unless I am willing to make some more cuts it isn't going to do me much good in the world of my health. If anything this insight on my health has given me new power in completing my commitment, Eat It Raw!!


  1. I have become a very spiritual person and have come to know a lot about the bible. Recently found that man did not eat animals at all before the great flood, in fact there was no dissension between man and animals. Leads me to believe our bodies were not designed to eat such things. Makes sense that you have found them to be very harmful. Interested to see where this leads you, thank you for sharing!

    1. Thanks for your support and I will continue to share what I find!
