Thursday, June 28, 2012

Quaker Steak and Lube

Last night I met my mom for dinner at Quaker Steak and Lube in Clearwater. I checked the menu ahead of time to make sure I could find something to eat raw. I was able to eat their 'Biker Chick' salad and it was delicious!! I asked them to hold the chicken and don't tell anyone it's a dude ordering the Biker Chick salad. Eating raw is easy as long as you plan what you are going to eat ahead of time. It doesn't work to get stuck in a situation with nothing raw to eat and a very hungry body. Plan your meal and then work your plan.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Flood and Food

Hi All!! I'm back to Florida and settling back into my routine. I found smoothies at the concert, made with real fruit and ice, and pretty much lived on that during the River's Edge Music Festival as well as a delicious Spinach Fruit salad for Breakfast every morning and was able to honor my commitment to being raw for the most part other than a few beers and an order of fries we split during a crash we were experiencing during the late afternoon on Sunday. I can share that fruit alone is definitely not enough to get you through the day. Everyone asks me where I get protein from without animal's? Well, here's the secret the protein from the dark green leafy vegetables, nuts & seeds, (wheat) grasses, sprouts, grains is plenty and all the body needs. We can also digest this quickly and more efficeintly without any of the negatives of animal meat or milks. Did you know it takes days to digest meat and while it rots inside of you your body starts absorbing toxins and fat from this breakdown?

When I returned home I came home to what looked like a disaster area. My house ended up being ok but my Girlfriend, Shannon, has a house off the Cotee River and so does her grandmother who lives next door to that house. As you can see from the picture the river had taken on a life of it's own and is flowing through and under the houses. Shannon and I made a rescue mission yesterday to evacuate her 82 year old grandmother and her partner Bill. We brought our canoe, loaded them up with some belongings and Shannon and I fought the current to get them out of there. I say all that to share even with all the things coming up, Shannon also is taking on the 30 day challenge, we have managed to stay raw in the face of all these, what appear to be, obstacles. Anyone can take on this lifestyle it is just a matter of making a committment, understanding the health benefits, feeling the difference and really sticking to it.

Stay tuned in for a recipe for some delicious Hummus wraps I have been making. Tons of protein and all the good stuff. I love this stuff and so does everyone else that has tried them!!!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Not Easy at a Music Festival

I'm at a musical festival this weekend in Minnesota and having a blast!! As you can see in the picture, however, this concert doesn't allow outside food. As I read this I came to the realization that this isn't going to be easy and I will need to work with whatever they have available. I am a big believer in honoring my body when it comes to honoring my commitments and although I've been eating healthy I haven't been able to go completely raw. I am ok with this and recommitting to starting strong again on Monday and not beat myself up.

I thought long and hard about weather to admit I am out of integrity with my commitment knowing people are following my blog but I am human and will honor my body at the all day festivals and feel it is also important to share my break downs. You can count on me being straight about my experiences on this blog.

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Thursday, June 21, 2012

First Day Raw

I've officially started my 30 day raw food diet. I started the day off a little unprepared with a Banana and literally a handful of Spinach and Swiss Chard for some protein. It wasn't the greatest breakfast but definitely got me fueled for the day. At lunch I found a salad buffet out in Zephyrhills and was able to put together a nice salad with a side of beans and beets. For dinner I went a little out of my way to a food court that serves a sweet Broccoli salad that consists of young coconut milk, raw broccoli, carrots, nuts and raisins. It was delicious!! The first day was a success but a little intimidated by my long weekend out of town at the Rivers Edge Music Festival. Wish me luck and I will update throughout the weekend.

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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Doctor Day

I sat in the corner of the patients room and could see a piece of paper on the table which I assumed were my lab results. I patiently waited for the Doctor's grand entrance with the incredible news about how great my health is, after all I cut meat out of my diet 6 months ago so of course my health is going to be better than average. I then waited maybe a minute more and had to jump up to start reviewing my results. The first page looked great as everything was well in the normal range. With a confident grin I flipped to the second page and was shocked to see my Cholesterol was through the roof and significantly out of range. As I tried to make since of what I was reading the doctor entered the room.

Dr Kromolicki fliped through the chart with a moan or two as if to fully digest what it was he was reviewing. "For your age" he began, "this does not look good." With a confused look he continued, "I thought you stopped eating meat, are you sure you aren't eating chicken? Chicken is actually higher in Cholesterol than red meat and..." I interrupted with "Jeff, I have only had meat twice since January. It's probably all the cheese I eat. I have recently noticed I have replaced the meats in my diet with cheese." He agreed heavily with my conclusion.

It reminded of me of why I am taking this on in the first place. With all the research I've done that has led me down this path I have learned that it is the animal protein in our diets that contributes to, if not, causes Heart Disease and Cancers. So in other words, it is great that I am a vegetarian for the animals I'm not eating and the fact that I am not contributing, as much, to the largest pollutant in the world, the livestock industry, but unless I am willing to make some more cuts it isn't going to do me much good in the world of my health. If anything this insight on my health has given me new power in completing my commitment, Eat It Raw!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Waffles and Ice Cream

As I reach into the freezer this morning to grab the last waffle before my 30 day Raw Challenge, starting Thursday, I see the Ice Cream. I can give up the waffles easy but one of the toughest things to give up is going to be Ice Cream. I then remembered seeing a recipe for Raw Ice Cream a while back. I found a recipe on Blue Lotus Living and will post how it turns out but for now it looks like Blue Bell Ice Cream for breakfast.

Raw Ice Cream – Living Food Basic Recipe

9 Apr 2009
Basic Vanilla Ice Cream (Raw Ice Cream)
There are several options in preparing raw ice cream.  I’m going to list 2.  They are simple.  But the option really depends on the type of texture you want from your ice cream.  You do not necessarily need an ice cream maker or vitamix, but you can create awesome creations with either one.  You may choose to freeze your creation and then just scoop it out later.  Or if you have a champion juicer, you may freeze the ice cream in ice cube trays, and later run it through the juicer.  Whatever you decide you will never go awry with this fun treat.  Enjoy!


2 cups raw cashews, soaked overnight (the main ingredient)
1 cup almond milk (make it real thick & creamy)
1 cup young coconut meat
1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract (or you may use raw vanilla bean)
¼ cup (nut) butter, optional
1 cup agave nectar  

Option 1: In a high speed blender or food processor, process all ingredients until a smooth fluid consistency.  Add more almond milk or coconut water, if needed.  Pour in containers and freeze.  Stir every 30 minutes.  After ice cream sets, serve.

For option 1:  If you do have access to an ice cream maker, follow manufacture’s directions.   Only allow ice cream to chill, typically up to an 1 hr., then process through ice cream maker

Option 2:  Slice and Freeze 3 bananas overnight.  In a food processor or high speed blender, process frozen bananas with vanilla extract and agave nectar.  Serve.  This option will give you more of a soft serve yogurt texture.

As with all raw food creations, feel free to add carob, cacaco, spices, superfoods, and fruit to create a variety of ice creams.

Friday, June 15, 2012

My Story and What Eat it Raw is All About...

Hello!! Welcome to my Eat it Raw Blog. Eat it Raw... Hmm, What's that? Let me start from what I would say is the beginning of this adventure. It all started from a documentary I watched, "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead". The movie was about Joe Cross, an average man, who had enough of a lifestyle that was slowly killing him. He took on a Juicing fast for 30 days and traveled America sharing the benefits and how he felt. He lost a ton of weight but what inspired me the most was the way it healed him from his ailments and how he shared it with others.

As I took on the 30 day Juicing Fast I started to discover a new level of energy and felt amazing. I never realized it was possible to feel this good until experiencing it first hand. This intrigued me so I began to search further into what appeared to me as a little known secret. In my search I found much evidence that not only could a raw plant based diet prevent and possibly cure cancer but it could also allow the body to heal from other ailments. My father died from a heart attack at age 56 and so this new found information really hit home. Apparently, heart disease is non-existent in cultures where very little to no animal protein is consumed. In fact, these cultures have an average life span in the 90's. So ... what I said to myself is if I cut the meat out of my diet I could possibly double my life span...

After getting off my juicing diet and losing 23 pounds I splurged for a week and then remembered what I had learned and could feel my body getting more sluggish like it was prior to the diet. BAM... I chose right then and there that I would cut meat out of my diet completely and other than one cheeseburger and a pulled pork sandwich I haven't eaten meat since January of this year.

In the recent weeks I've noticed I have replaced my meats with cheeses and artificially created foods. Although I still feel pretty good compared to how I once did and I have kept most of that weight off I know that I can feel better so I am taking on a Raw Food lifestyle for 30 days. I will document my adventure throughout my progress on this blog and share the results of my health improvement or lack there of throughout. I will be getting blood work before and after and hosting a Raw Food Potluck where I will share with anyone and everyone interested. Thanks for reading, please share my Blog and come back often...
